Cooking Tips

After over 25 years of production experience and many satisfied customers later we have discovered that older and larger more well finished beef provide a better eating experience. So, our beef will have some marbling and minimal fat (USDA high select or better) that makes cooking more forgiving and maintains tender, juicy and flavorful beef.

You can cook our beef in any recipe that you would utilize other beef cuts from the store.

Remember; the good fats in grass fed beef are NOT bad for you. In fact if your grass fed beef is too lean you are being robbed of the healthy fatty acids such as Omega 3 and CLA.

Before Cooking

Bring your grass-fed beef to room temperature before cooking, but don’t use a microwave to unthaw it.

Don’t Overcook Grass-Fed Meat

Cooking time may be quicker due to less insulating fat. Also knowing the cooking recommendations for various cuts (grilling, sautéing, stewing, broiling etc.) is important. Grassfed Gourmet Cookbook by has Shannon Hayes some good suggestions.

Use Tongs

One of the “secrets” to moist meat is to always use tongs to turn your beef, never forks. Forks will pierce the meat and allow the juices to escape.

Grilling Steaks

No special marinade or grilling techniques needed on Turkey Foot Beef since it is not ultra-lean. Season the steaks to your flavor and sear them shut on a hot fire for approx. 5 minutes each side. Once blood starts to surface on the side away from the fire you will have a perfect medium rare (the way it should be) steak.

Let the Meat Rest after Cooking

After cooking the meat, remove from heat and allow the meat to sit for 5 to 7 minutes, allowing the juices inside to redistribute evenly. The internal temperature will increase by 5 to 10 degrees during resting. Allowing meats to rest is another “secret” used by top chefs.

For more cooking tips, see the Sustainable Table Article.