img2About Us

Turkey Foot Ranch has been in the grass-fed beef production and direct marketing business for 18 years. We raise high quality, delicious grass fed beef, raised organically and marketed to health food stores, farmers markets, direct to customers from the ranch and sell locker beef (1/4 or 1/2 custom beef) through 12 months of the year.

Our decision to venture into total grass fed-grass finished beef was brought on by several things. Health issues directed us to research a healthier eating style and Barry’s educational training as a Rangeland Conservationist and career as a District Conservationist lead us in the direction of grass fed beef due to the myriad of health and environmental benefits. Many peers and livestock producers discouraged us by informing us that you just can’t raise good beef on grass; it will be tough and tasteless. Barry visited with many the old timers in the region and found that they were raised on grass fed beef and sure did miss the flavor and wish they could find it again. So we raised grass fed beef, fed it to family and friends and the response was you got to start selling this to others. So here we are!

Our farm is about 5 miles northeast of Winfield, Ks. In the Flint Hills region of Kansas which is the last stand of the once vast tall grass prairie of North America. This region is known for sweet grass due to high calcium soils formed over limestone. These richly diverse prairies are home of as many as 250 species of native plants which form a prairie buffet for our cattle to graze. Leased land with rich soils formed along creeks has been converted to perennial grasses and legumes to extend our green grass season and provide high quality hay for winter.

Turkey Foot utilized environmental grants from Kansas Rural Center, Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service and the local Conservation District to assist with water and fence infrastructure and pasture plantings to build a an intensive rotational grazing system and protect creeks and surface waters from livestock access. The ranch has been designated as a Clean Water Farm, a Stream Steward, and has received a Natural Resources Award for our environmental stewardship.

Turkey Foot Ranch hosts educational conservation and environmental tours to showcase methods of sustainable livestock production.

Our Mission

Produce high quality grass fed beef utilizing sunshine, green grass, fresh air and clean water. We do this by:

  • Treating our animals humanely and ethically
  • Providing the highest quality grass-fed beef in a reliable year-round supply
  • Creating a model for small farms to continue their way of life while leaving the smallest footprint on the environment
  • Protecting our water resources and sending clean water downstream to our neighbors.
  • Utilizing a sun driven production system rather than a fossil fuel driven system of production.
  • Taking care of our native prairie and wildlife.